Thursday, December 3, 2009

Existential Questions...

At times existential questions visit in the places we hold most dear. Rilke said we must learn to love the questions; but what if it is the source of the questions we love?


  1. Great thought. Just the act of questioning is liberating.

  2. Kringle...without questioning...we would get no where and how would we know what we hear is the truth?


  3. Thank you both for stopping. ... Yes I agree Dan, we must question to find the truth. ... In fact, I tell students when talking of matters of faith, belief, or even values, ... if we don't question our faith, we cannot come to know its full strength, nor can we grow in the process. .. yet too I am mindful that perhaps there are existential questions that will always tug at the heart in places held most dear.

  4. Thank you for posting this. The questions are the ones that lead us to discover the motivation behind our choices and what we truly value in ourselves and those whom we love.
