Wednesday, March 18, 2009

humbled surrender...

Have you ever found yourself fighting a heavy heart because you wished so much for something? Perhaps it was a job, events in life, an opportunity, or changes in the world? Perhaps you wished so much for something amidst striving for goals, nurturing an important relationship or in trying so hard in coming to understand the perplexity of life, love and the beautiful complexity of the journey? Perhaps you've struggled with trying to hear the heart of another, to find your calling in life, or God's gentle direction amidst your own heart's hopes, wishes and dreams? I have been humbled of late in walking through life and contemplating how amidst my fervency and optimism how sometimes we touch the tenderest of places of humanity and vulnerability ... Though one of deep faith, I find it interesting how easy it is to want to control areas of our lives we may not have control over. ... Perhaps the unpredictability leaves us uneasy? Perhaps the tender tugs of the heart renders us so blatently human? I found this piece so moving and I thought I'd share it here...


Difficulties should not depress or divert us. The cause that has gripped us is so great that the small weaknesses of individuals cannot destroy it. Therefore I ask you only one thing: Do not be so worried about yourself. Free yourself from all your plans and aims. They occupy you far too much. Surrender yourself to the sun, the rain, and the wind and do as the flowers and the birds. Surrender yourself to God. Wish for nothing but one thing: that his will be done, that his kingdom come and that his nature be revealed. Then all will be well.
Eberhard Arnold

While I am mindful that we must take action in life... perhaps too we must know when to Let go and Let God and sit at peace and inaction... sometimes I find myself running around trying to "act", when it best to sit and listen. Just a bit of food for thought.


  1. very deep :-) we are happiest when we are out of control (and He is in).

  2. Thanks for your kind comment.. yes sometimes the heart grows tender, but there is great joy in the love of one who forever holds us.

  3. like your blog too. thanks for leaving me a comment on the mental health blog :)

  4. I loved the way you say "surrender" Thanks for your beautiful blog. May God bless your ministry!

  5. Thanks to all for your kind comments... much appreciated!
